Multifandom Post (including Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf and many more!) - for technique20in20 plus a variety of challenge icons
So here are the rest! These are the more miscellaneous icons - some have only 1 icon per fandom (sorry). I've bolded the names of fandoms that have at least three icons. There are about a hundred icons in total. (And the disclaimer in Part 1 still stands, some of these are super old)
Post includes The West Wing, Rizzoli &
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7 x Legend of the Seeker 26 x Lost (including some Season 6) 32 x Stargate SG-1 (mostly Sam, Jack/Sam) 6 x Grey's Anatomy 20 x Doctor Who (includes some 5x01) 43 x Misc. (House, Chuck, Sanctuary, BSG, Pushing Daisies and more)
My apologies once again for the long time between icon posts! It's not that I haven't been making icons - it's that I haven't had the inclination to get a whole post put together (and the longer I waited, the more icons I had building up on my hard-drive...) But now here we are! A big bright multifandom post! Hope you guys enjoy! :D[001-009] Doctor
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Hi folks! I know it's been a while since I've posted icons and I'm very sorry for that. But I'm here now with a huge batch of icons which I've been making and just not posting for the past few months xD And now that new seasons of TV are starting, I'll try really hard to post more regularly from now on :D
[001-040] The West Wing (& Allison Janney
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